Dont You Bellive, That god loves you so much

Last night i was dreaming
In the dream, i show someone that i love has slept with a girl, But i dont know who's the girl? becouse she is not facing on me. They are sleep very soundly. Im just standing alone, cant moving, im shock.
Then i wake up from the dream, and sit on my bed, my blanket still companying me. i kept thinking what is exacly happening? Then i get down from my bed, take a whudu and i pray.

And the result is amazing. To day, at office, i found something, His photo with a girls.. Damn it!!!!
Allah has showed me the truth, and i relize Allah loves me a lot....Thanks always be side me ya Robb...
Thanks for your guidance.... i promise to make you happy, i belive yoy plan is very wonderful....

-always love you-
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